Adopting a puppy at Foglesongs
This is where you will find ALL the information about HOW & WHAT to expect when getting a puppy from Foglesong's Puppies
If you are looking for a puppy on our website and found one that you'd like to adopt, your first step is to fill out the puppy application on the website, if you have questions regarding that puppy you can reach out either by text or call 641-895-3894. Once the application is received I will look through it and be in touch with the next steps. If you DO NOT wish to place a deposit ahead of time and want to come to see them pick and take home that is fine, however, keep in mind that it is first come first serve on the deposit & we do not hold a puppy without a deposit. If you do decide to place a deposit then we will make arrangements for pick up or delivery. Once you do this process you will need to make a Vet Exam Appointment with YOUR Vet within 72 hours of pick up to get a health guarantee. This will be for a wellness exam only. I will provide all the necessary paperwork for all of this and your puppy's records, which will be provided when you pick it up. If you do not do this, this will VOID your guarantee.

Selection & updated pictures.
We do puppy selection at 6 weeks of age via pictures/videos on the website. You will have 2 hours to make your selection. Once chosen we will set up a pickup date and time. The selection process is only for puppies under 6 weeks of age. If a puppy is 6 weeks or older and listed individually on the website then you can just go ahead a select an available puppy.
UPDATED PHOTOS: These are done every 10-12 days. I understand your excitement of getting a new puppy and you want more pictures but I keep to a schedule to ensure every puppy and puppy family gets an adequate amount of my time. So please be understanding and patient.

Puppy Pick-Up Day
The pick-up day usually consists of about 15-25 minutes. I will have all shot records, and microchip information in a puppy packet along with a puppy blanket, shampoo, and some food in a bag for you. If you pick up here you will have a paper to sign in my office, and then you may ask any questions you have otherwise we will go over a few things and take your picture with your new puppy and then you are off to go. FINAL PAYMENT is due in Cash or Venmo unless otherwise discussed. WE DO NOT ACCEPT CHECKS! If meeting somewhere you will sign paperwork via email before & only CASH will be accepting if meeting as it may not be me your meeting. We DO NOT do kennel tours due to Disease control and the safety of our mommies and babies. Please understand the importance of our dogs is a TOP priority. We understand the fear of puppy mills, I can assure you our dogs are happy and healthy. We can also so show a live camera view when you pick up.
If you are more than 15 minutes late you may be asked to wait until all others have picked up as we have to be courteous to all families on pick up day!