Ariel is a chocolate and white parti cockapoo F1 female. She is smart and she is curious, she is always checking everything out. She is just the cutest girl! She is adorable and loves to be held. She will be 16-22lbs.
Records of all vaccinations and deworming’s and any necessary paperwork regarding his will be provided.
He has been checked by a veterinarian, microchipped, and ready to go to his new family.
To make the transition easier, a baggie of food and puppy blanket with mom's scent will be provided.
For more information or to schedule a visit please contact me
@ 641-895-3894
Nutri Source Small Breed Puppy Food is our food of choice.
We are STATE licensed as well as AKC inspected.
Availability: Available to Adopt
Birthday: 08-12-24
Available: 10-23-24
Gender: Female
Sadie Cocker Spaniel 18lbs

Arthur-Toy Poodle- 14lbs